An internationally acclaimed collection of
Chinese antique wood stands and works of art
Visit or Contact us

Fleurdelys Antiquités
At Patrick Sandberg
150-152 Kensington Church St.
London, W8 4BN, UK
Opening Hours - 营业时间
Monday to Saturday 11am - 5pm
星期一至星期六 11am - 5pm
The website shows a selection from Ms Paul’s stock of antique Chinese wood stands and covers. If you are looking for more options, please send us an email of your object’s size and type. We will be happy to find you a range of suitable stands. With a large number of stands in stock, we are usually able to satisfy our customers. In the unlikely event of being unable to do so, we offer a custom-made service using our craftsmen in China.
此網站展示了Ms Paul收藏中的部分精選木雕座和罐蓋,如果您想參考更多木座,請把您的藏品尺寸電郵給我們。我們將會從庫存中找出合尺寸的木座供您挑選。如果在庫存中沒有合適的木座相匹配,我們也提供新木座的訂製服務。郵寄服務使用聯邦快遞寄送,需要顧客支付包括保險的寄送費用以及少量的包裝費。支付方式可通過銀行轉賬以及信用卡支付