661. Chinese Boxwood Guanyin

Chinese Boxwood Guanyin


The carving is depicting a Chinese Guanyin standing and wearing long flowing robes. The arms are folded to the front, with one hand holding a vase. The face carries a serene expression, exuding tranquillity. The wood used for the carving showcases a rich, warm brown colour.

黄杨木雕观音立像,雕刻精美,身着飘逸长袍。 双臂向前交叉,一只手拿着花瓶。观音菩萨慈眉善目,面相温和,仪容安详。黄杨木质地坚韧光洁,纹理细密,棕色自然温润。

  • Height 24.5cm, Width 8.5cm
  • Qing Dynasty